Exhibitions and projects
Santa Maria Paraffina, with Felisha Maria Carenage + Luiza Furtado, VBKÖ, Wien
What´s the Name of the Game, Reading, Kunstverein Hamburg
Get a Grip, Galerie Wassermühle Trittau
Haben wir noch Butter? (Cake&Cash Collective), Performance-Sommerfest am 2.8.24, Kunstverein Gastgarten
Butter, Hörstück mit Elisa Nessler und Francisca Markus, Gruppe Motto/Hallo:Radio "Essen", Hamburg
They Say it´s Aufwandsentschädigung, Austauschtreffen zu Arbeitsbedingungen in der bildenden Kunst, Freiraum, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Have we passed peak collective? (Cake&Cash Collective), Symposium by otc - Observant Thick Conversation, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg
Sexed Power, with ANna Tautfest, Mom Art Space, Hamburg
The Critics (live), Philipp Joy Reinhardt, Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg
Dinner for All, with Martin Karcher, ABC plus, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof
Think Before You Print, Jahresgaben 2023, a project by Paulina Nolte, Julia Klemm, and Kristina Schmidt Galerie Empfangshalle, München
Viscosities of Mourning, with Felisha Maria Carenage + Luiza Furtado, MARKK - Museum am Rothenbaum, Hamburg
Salon Raad, Kunstverein Gastgarten x Hamburger Kunsthalle
Das Ornament. Vorbildlich schön, with ANna Tautfest, 13.10.23-28.04.24 at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Space Residency, Semmelweisklinik, Vienna
Constructing Utopia, curated by Anna Bochkova, Gallery XY, Olomouc
Her*storical Utopia, with Felisha Maria Carenage + Luiza Furtado, Mom Art Space, Hamburg
Santa Maria Paraffina, Felisha Carenage + Luiza Furtado, Mom Art Space, Hamburg (Review: "Mythen, Maria und das Meer" by Katrin Krumm, gallertalk.net)
Cake&Cash and Friends at Mom Art Space, Hamburg
No more lonely laundry (Cake&Cash Collective), Mom Art Space, Hamburg
Fe_Male_Gaze(s), Duo with ANna Tautfest, hinterconti, Hamburg
Draft: Der Traum vom Staubsaugerroboter (Cake&Cash Collective), Lecture Performance, Lange Nacht der Museen 2023, Kunsthaus Hamburg
hinterconti radio // Kunst Reden N°2: TraditiNOen, Artist Talk Sicnal.de, by Stefan Mildenberger
Selbst und Zweck, ICAT - Institute for Contemporary Art & Transfer, HFBK Hamburg (Reviews: "Den Finger in die Wunde" by Katrin Krumm, gallertalk.net, "Am Drahtseil" by Raphael Dillhof, Lerchenfeld Nr. 65)
Nominees 2023, Kunsthaus Hamburg
Passed Out, MOM Art Space, Hamburg
Gastgarten #3 Release Part II, Artist Talk mit Marthe Fock, Gastgarten Galerie, Hamburg
Laufende Luftmaschen (Solo), Einstellungsraum, Hamburg (Kubaparis)
Care Station (Experimentelle Klasse), Reeperbahnfestival 2022, Hamburg
Graduate Show 2022, Raum 302, HFBK Hamburg
My Body / My Choice, 2022 Annual Postcard Show, A.I.R. Gallery, New York
Ort der Kraft, Bad Vöslau, Austria (Kubaparis)
TraditiNOen, hinterconti, Hamburg
Group Crit IV & V - Nay, can you hear me? (Klasse Jxxxa), performances in context of the E.W. Nay retrospective, Hamburger Kunsthalle
Sexed Power (Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective), Mom Art Space, Hamburg
Rundgang 2022 / Context TV, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
All of this justifies thinking of..., Mom Art Space, Hamburg
Jahresgaben 2021 (Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective), Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof
Magazine (Klasse Jxxxa), collective painting and performance project, Kunstverein Hamburg
Scham / Shame, Artburst Berlin, Feldfünf, Berlin
Verpuppungen, Galerie LaDøns, Hamburg
Keep On Keepin’ On, 2021 Annual Postcard Show, A.I.R. Gallery, New York
Flotte Lotte (Solo), window exhibition, Galerie LaDøns, Hamburg
Digitale Tomatensauce, Other Types Posterwall, Marie-Jonas-Platz, Hamburg
Radical Solidarity (Felisha Maria and Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective), episode of This is Germany by Candice Breitz and Mithu Sanyal
See U Th3re - Dialogues between Windows (curation), five part exhibition and podcast series, HFBK Hamburg & Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof (Art Viewer; Kubaparis)
The Engine, Klasse Simon Denny, online exhibition, HFBK Hamburg
Medien der Sorge, Illustration in: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaften, Nr. 24 (1/2021)
Erotik und Struktur, Erotik Magazin, Leipzig, online exhibition
Transparencies, SP2, Berlin + Galerie Genscher, Hamburg
Transparencies, Online Gallery HFBK Hamburg
Coloring Quarantine, Exile Gallery, online exhibition
Podcast Mute/Unmute, a podcast and seminar by Prof. Dr. Astrid Mania, with the support of Noi Fuhrer and Anne Meerpohl, HFBK Mediathek
Digitale Tomatensauce, The Peephole #47, online Instagram performance, www.instagram.com/the_peephole
Woran wir uns so gewöhnt hatten und womit wir noch gar nicht fertig waren (Experimentelle Klasse), hinterconti, Hamburg
Lächeln & Zuhören, (Experimentelle Klasse), Audio-Walk, HFBK Hamburg, Arrivati Park Hamburg
Podcast: An artwork a day #15 – Candice Breitz, HFBK Mediathek
Status quo – common reading: Rendering a snake, finding a balance between different kinds of blue(s). There will be signing (Klasse Jxxxa), audio project broadcasted at Montez Press Radio, Booky McBookface 2019
transparent, xpon-art Gallery, Hamburg
Große Pause, Galerie HFBK Hamburg
Graduate Show 2019, HFBK Hamburg
Echte Unmöglichkeit, R52L Berlin
Femlab, Galerie Speckstraße, Hamburg
Floating University Berlin: The Greenhouse, publication: Thyme, cooperation project class Design for the Living World and raumlabor-berlin
Volos – Craftspeople’s Network: Taking Matters into Your Own Hands, collaborative publication and exhibition with students of Design for the Living World and Hybrid Ecologies Studio and craft people in Volos, Greece
Auf Spuren Suche, Bunkerhillgalerie, Hamburg
Work & Women - Pionierinnen und Meilensteine der Frauenarbeit in NRW, Frauenmuseum Bonn
Wir irgendwo dahinten, Elektrohaus Hamburg
2019-2022: MFA, HFBK Hamburg, Astrid Mania, Jutta Koether
2021-2022: Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Ashley Hans Scheirl
BFA, HFBK Hamburg, Jutta Koether, Marjetica Potrc & Design for the Living World, Experimental Class (ANna Tautfest & Joke Janssen)
Grants and Funding:
Projektförderung, Liebelt Stiftung Hamburg
ZEIT Stipendium (Cake&Cash Collective)
Projektförderung, Hamburgischen Kulturstiftung for publication project Fe_Male_Perspective(s) (Duo-Project with ANna Tautfest)
International Summer Academy Salzburg (Stipendium)
Nominiert fürs Hamburger Arbeitsstipendium 2023
2020 – 2022: Studienförderung der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
International Summer Academy Salzburg (Stipendium)
Art School Alliance, exchange Academy of fine Arts Vienna
Projektförderung der Karl H. Dietze Stiftung (Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective, See U th3re)
Schönheit, die nicht enden will, by Julia Mummenhoff on "Das Ornament", Lerchenfeld 70, HFBK Hamburg (April 2024)
Mythen, Maria und das Meer - „Santa Maria Paraffina“ im MOM art space by Katrin Krumm, gallerytalk.net (Juli 2023)
Am Drahtseil by Raphael Dillhof on „Selbst und Zweck“, Lerchenfeld 65, HFBK Hamburg (Februar 2023)
Den Finger in die Wunde - „Selbst und Zweck“ im ICAT der HFBK Hamburg by Katrin Krumm, gallerytalk.net (Januar 2023)
„Wollen wir nicht alle ein bisschen mehr?“ Interview Annika Grabold and Anne Meerpohl by Helena Davenport on „Grind&Shine Inc.“, Hamburger Abendblatt (März 2022)
Make Work Visible Interview Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective by Leonie Pfennig, Lerchenfeld 58, HFBK Hamburg (September 2021)
Flotte Lotte by Dominique Falentin, exhibition catalogue „Scham/Shame“ Artburst Berlin (September 2021)
Kunst en passant by Ronja Lotz on „See U Th3re - Dialoge zwischen Fenstern“, Lerchenfeld 56, HFBK Hamburg (Februar 2021)
Anne Meerpohl (*1994) lives and works in Hamburg (Germany) and is active as an artist, writer and curator. In 2022 Meerpohl completed the Master of Fine Arts at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts. Meerpohl is part of the collective Experimentelle Klasse, co-founder of the Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective in 2019, 2020 - 2022 also a fellow of the Hans Böckler Foundation. In the artistic practice, Anne Meerpohl deals with the physicality of the image, fluid states and their social attributions. This is usually preceded by research into queer-feminist theory and practice, which leads to focal points such as care, work/labour and the body.